On the last Saturday, Jan 26th, we held the inauguration ceremony of our beloved dream school which was filled with the auspicious presence of many eminent persons like BLRO and Inspector in charge of local police station. But the stars of the show were our 25 little champs, the students of our first batch, who were busy in playing with balloons in their well decorated room, dressed in jersey of Indian Football Team aka school uniform. The lady masons, who worked day and night to complete the construction work within time, fell short of words when they were brought upon stage for felicitation, but their heartful smile said it all! And lastly, the entire contingency of students, their parents, other village dwellers, our guests, members, everyone sat together on the ground for having the simplest yet the most memorable lunch together.The lunch was one of the most cherish-able events for all of us for our entire lives, not because of its delicacy, but because of the fact that somewhere the thin line between “WE” and “THEY” was eradicated permanently with that supper together. With the flag hoisting, national anthem and the tribal dance by the local artists, a new chapter was started in the barren land of Purulia.
We have bigger task at our hand, not only to make these 25 kids literate, but to make 25 strong pillars who themselves will be able to work for the upliftment of their tribe, in near future.