A small leap towards building a library – Thanks to Future Campus School

The dream was to create a school building on a field of lush green grass where the cruel beams of the tropical midday sun wouldn’t reach students. Done. The dream was – perhaps not everyone but a handful would get to enjoy meals twice a day. Done again. The dream was to make a room where the whole world would fit in easily. It’s time now that this dream comes true – Future Campus School has sent plenty of books for the Library of our School of Dreams! The Library will be decorated with these valuable books within a few days. If one friend is equivalent to a library, then the touch of all our friends will create numerous such libraries in the future – that’s our dream now!

The dream was to create a fairytale that would come true daily before our eyes! The dream was to create a joint farm. We thank all of you for being there with us, showering your love to us with open arms. Your love and efforts will ensure that our fairytale will turn into reality every day. The joint farm is growing daily and the Factory of our Dreams is growing exponentially in leaps and bounds!

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